Latest News
4 Sept 2021
Mayo Clinic releases new consensus clinical guidance for ME/CFS
The Mayo Clinic Proceedings publication has recently published a consensus recommendation article for ME/CFS written by the ME/CFS Clinician Coalition.
It is exciting that another leading health care publication is sharing up-to-date evidence based information about ME/CFS.
10 Sept 2020
New public guidance from CDHB on ME/CFS
Announcing updated information about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis /Chronic Fatigue Syndrome on the Healthinfo site for people living in Canterbury.
This provides clear, reputable guidance from the CDHB about ME/CFS that will raise understanding and awareness.
11 May 2020
‘Years in Lockdown’ video for International ME Awareness Day, 12th May 2020
Many people living with ME/CFS live in permanent lockdown.
When you move out of lockdown - and get back into a fulfilling life with a variety of choices and activities - we ask you to remember those that will stay in lockdown because they have ME/CFS.