How We Help
Registered Nurse Service

Our Registered Nurse Service is delivered through home visits, zoom consultations, and other interactions to people of all ages. Our nurses help members with assessment for diagnosis, management of symptoms, advocacy, and more.
Group Meetings and Events

We host a range of different events around our region, both online and in-person. Sometimes we invite expert speakers, other times we may have a topic for discussion. Non-members and whanau are also welcome to attend.
Online Community

We invite people affected by ME/CFS or Long COVID throughout the South Island to join our peer support group on Facebook to share information and experiences and to support each other. You don't need to be a registered member with us to join this group.
Volunteer Outreach Services

We have a growing team of wonderful volunteers who help our members with tasks such as housework, dog-walking, gardening, friendly company, and technical support.
Work and Income Advocacy

Our advocates support our members to explore what financial support may be available from Work and Income.

We release bimonthly newsletters containing updates on the activities of the organisation, information about managing and living with ME/CFS, latest research, plus more.

Our library of books and equipment is available to members free of charge. The catalogue can be browsed online and we can post books out to you and arrange for their return to us.
Intervention Fund

We operate a small Intervention Support Fund to cover semi-urgent costs that members are unable to manage.

We are involved with advocacy at an organisational level, both regionally and nationally.